16.10.2005 09:35:34
Spaceball driver needed for 97
Does anyone here still have a copy of the old magellan or spaceball driver for cadkey 97?
16.10.2005 09:45:19
CK Workshop 21.5 problem with Draftpak FAST- & FEAT- DBF files
I am not sure if anyone knows what registry setting is missing... When I try to create any draftpak details like fasteners, features or mechanical elements, I get a strange dialogue box that says:
"Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
"cannot open boltsqr.dbf"
In fact, boltsqr.dbf and all the others are to be found, unmodified, in Lang\English\FASTDATA where they were first installed. This error began to occur after some routine system maint. I have the fealing that a registry entry that points tothe proper location or some driver spec is somehow missing. Can anyone tell me what it could be?
Everything seems to be running fine.
17.10.2005 09:21:40
CK Workshop 21.5 problem with Draftpak FAST- & FEAT- DBF files
We removed quite a few old database aps like MS Sequel server and so forth. Cleaned it up quite a bit. There wasn't an ODBC source called 'CADKEY21'. Thank you very much! I followed your instructions and everything is fixed! (I just had no idea where to begin!):
* Created an ODBC System DSN (type DBase 5) called 'CADKEY21'.
* Configured its directory to the common root of the dbf files ('Lang\English')
Left all the rest default and it all seems to work!
18.10.2005 21:12:07
Spaceball driver needed for 97
Well, I had a look and there are several spaceball drivers for varying OS's, but none that I can find forr cadkey. I think there was a CDE that was needed... does anyone here still have a copy of this?
30.10.2005 07:09:04
What happened to ftp.cadkey.com?
Does anyone know where I can find the legacy misc. support files for Cadkey 98- that used to be on ftp.cadkey.com ?
24.11.2005 21:52:55
Spaceball driver needed for 97
Please note the following email segment I have received from 3dconnexion:
In the autocad folder is the 2.7.2 plugin you need to use with early version of Autocad. All the remaining old drivers have been removed. 3D has also removed any driver for the Spaceball 2003, 3003 devices they have decided to offer a trade in for the devices worth 150.00 towards the purchase of a Spacepilot go to www.3dconnexion.com to check out the details.
Here is the ftp site:
FYO. I think I have everything now, though. Thanks.
25.05.2006 04:48:24
Need Cadkey 99 SDK
Can anyone point me to a copy of the Cadkey 99 R 1 SDK for writing CDEs? I have a copy for Cadkey 97, but I don't think that the solids routines were compatible at all. I therefore especially need an SDK pointed to Cadkey 99 Solids and Parametrics.
Yes I know it's old. I guess that's why I can't find it anymore.
BTW, I noticed that the old ck99 parametrics module was missing some basic functionality. It seems that there is no way to create a parametric transformation (i.e. a parametric array of single/multiple parametric bodies). I can use stadard CK transforms on sketcher entities, but that does not record any parameters. Case in point: a wheel with four copies of the same hole featue placed at 90 degree intervals. Was this a deliberate oversight? Did someone write an addon to provide this function?
Thanks. Hope someone has the SDK...
25.05.2006 06:56:06
Need Cadkey 99 SDK
I disagree. The bankruptcy law in the USA certainly doesn't help my problem here oversees.
In fact, I consider your entire response unhelpful, irrelevant, and frankly, rude.
Anyone with an actual answer?
28.05.2006 23:48:53
Need Cadkey 99 SDK
This is the last time I'll respond to this.
> IMHO, this person has more "Balls than Brains".
I believe you are describing yourself here.
> If it were my decision I would give this guy the boot > faster that you can say Download.
I don't know how long *YOU* have been using Cadkey for, but there was a time when the SDK WAS public, available on the cadkey ftp site. I haven't kept up with all the issues, and couldn't remember that it was now just on the CD. A simple reminder 'it's on tthe CD' was all that was neccessary, but it looks like I had to pull teeth to get that.
As for the boot, don't worry. The webmaster can take this final post as my request to be delisted. I'm obviously wrong here. Sorry, there doesn'tt seem to be any facility to 'delete my profile' on "CKDexpert".