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02.06.2005 14:37:40
mass properties
Question: What is the unit of measure for Moment of Inertia under Mass Properties in the English system?
I am also puzzled by this: the same model gives different Radius of Gyration in K4 and CKD19. I am running both, position my CG at the origin, getting the same mass, CG etc. but different RoG. Which one is correct?
08.06.2005 11:23:00
mass properties
Hi Jay,
Thanks for your note. I put in more work into it and it seems to me that in the case of an assembly having multiple solids the RoG is wrong in KC4 when you interogate for the TOTAL. (The individual parts could be OK, I did not check). A real bummer! I am using it to size a motor and transmission components for rotating a massive steel assembly.